Hello Crafty Creative
Welcome to The Creative Crafter® Inspirational Emporium, let me introduce myself.
I'm Michelle and I am The Creative Crafter. I know that everyone is creative (yes even you) and I am on a mission to prove it by helping you find your joy and confidence in your own creativity.
I'm looking forward to our creative journey together.

'Moments of calm, exploration and creative joy are much needed in our adult lives and making stuff ‘just because’ can fulfil us'
I believe so strongly that everyone is creative that I have written a book to help you tap into your creative self, an activity book for adults.
Do you remember activity books when you were younger? Stuff to make and do just for the sake of it. I loved all my activity books, especially my Blue Peter make, cook and look book and I still use it to this day to touch base with my inner child, it inspires me and gives me ideas and I know this book will do the same for you. Why should these fun books be just for children?
With 21 projects to make, from memory books to home decor, bakes to stitchy fun and step by step photo instructions with all the templates and printables you need it will help you to bring out that creative within, the one that is innate in all of us, the one we are all born with and you will find your joy and confidence in your creativity. Available now on Amazon
We don’t need to spend a fortune, have the latest must haves and machines to be creative.
We just need to bring our inner child out to play and tap into the joy being creative brings.
Coming Soon!
cardboard Street
A place to dream, imagine, build, enjoy, invent, create and get lost in.
Just add cardboard, found things and imagination